
Artist Notes 12/12/2017: Happy Monday guys! 

…See what I meant by today’s page being somewhat more exciting than page 100? XD I’ve been waiting SO LONG to include these character! Meet Guy (the green one) and Pal (basically the whole background)! These two, and the Puppet hanging from the tree, Grigori, I started designing practically at the same time I was designing Sonny and Betha, well before we put MNM online at all–and here we finally are!

Also: Big huge extra thanks this week to Logan Pike!  You all probably remember him as one of our cover artists from the first volume of the book, but you should all follow his instagram because his work is freaking incredible.  In any event though, he helped us design Guy! I’m working on editing a process video about designing this character, because Guy has seriously come a long way, and Logan was a huge help.  Anyway, definitely look out for that later this week! 

Have a great week guys!
