
Artist Notes 4/2/2018: Hey guys! Happy Monday!

Hope you all are doing well! Did those of you that celebrate Easter have a good one? Or are those of you who celebrate Passover having a good one? …also any other holidays? (;-; I have no ideas if there were other holidays this past week.) I don’t really do Easter myself, but we did some serious spring cleaning, and we made a nice little brunch at home that morning, if that counts.

So kind of in the spirit of the nostalgia I was talking about last week, literally right after putting up page 116, I started playing Kingdom Hearts again for the first time in years!  We’ve been sitting on the remastered version with KH 1.5, 2.5, Birth by Sleep, Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days (those names >.>; ) for a loooong time without playing them because I constantly felt I was too busy, but I finally caved. What a powerful wave of nostalgia. This past week I only made it to Traverse Town (I only played the one night) but I missed it so much! I still have Ansem’s stupid speech that he gives in this first appearance memorized. XD I put so many hours of my life in middle/high school to writing fanfiction and drawing fanart of those games it’s ridiculous. Maybe I’ll scrounge some up that’s not too terribly embarrassing to show you guys if any of you all are KH fans as well. XD

Have you guys played Kingdom Hearts? What are your thoughts on it and are you hyped for KH3? I’m really curious to know!

Have a great week guys!
