
Artist Notes 9/4/2018: Happy Monday guys!  And happy Labor Day!  I hope lots of you got the day off and got to squeeze some enjoyment out of the unseasonably warm weather… at least that’s how it was here. Today was in the 90’s… in September… not normal. :S But anyway, I have some not-relevant to the comic news, but still news: We moved this week!  Not very far, but still.

Fortunately I finished this page a week ago. ^ ^’ Today is the first day in a week that I’ve really gotten to sit down and draw, which is super unusual for me, but I guess it was a nice break…? For the little of the time anyway. Most of the time was packing and physically moving stuff and it was ROUGH. Idk what made this time so hard, but I’m happy to be mostly settled in a new place.  We live with a dog now (not ours but still), so that’s very exciting. 

Anyway, this week I get to go head first back into planning for Granite Con–we’re SO CLOSE to ready!  But I’ll give you guys more updates as I have them. 

Have a great week you guys! Hopefully I’ll have met some more of you before I post the next page!     
