
Artist Notes 4/09/2019: Hey guys, happy Monday! Hope everyone is doing well! 😀

So, as I mentioned last week that we’re going to be at Bar Harbor Comic Con on May 4th, but in addition to that, we’re actually going to be at an event this weekend, too! Not a comic con though. ^ ^’ Those local to VT can come visit us at the Champlain Games Festival! 😀 We’ll be unveiling a board game set in the Mag Na Mell world called KingStone! 😀 So if any of you all are around, we’d of course love to see you! And if you can’t make it, we’ll have a means for everyone to play the game soon! 😀 So keep your eyes peeled for updates. :3

Also this week I’m really hoping that I’ll be able to show off the enamel pins we made, I literally can’t wait! 🙂
