
Artist Notes 10/15/2019: Hey guys! Happy Monday! Hope you all are doing well! 

Let me just start by saying it was really hard to make an upload graphic for this page that doesn’t just… spoil it. XD Hope you guys like it though!

Anyway, besides working on the comic we’ve spent many many hours the last couple weeks at our local makerspace getting ready for Saratoga Comic Con… Primarily we’re attempting to re-up our stock of the deck and dice boxes that we make, as well as working on some other designs, and experiment with different techniques for finishing them! It dawned on me haven’t talked about those a whole ton on here (I mean, they’re really not connected to the comic so on some level that makes sense), but it occurred to me that I probably should because if you guys haven’t met us at a convention (which is probably most of you) you may not have seen them, but if you check out our Instagram I’ve posted a bunch of pictures. :) Anyway though, if you guys haven’t seen them before I’d be curious to know what you think of them. It’s just something we do as sort of a side/hobbiest project, but I’d still love to hear feedback.
