
Artist Notes 11/12/2019: PAGE 200! :D :D :D Can you believe it? I sure can’t. XD

I wish I had something planned but there’s nothing special about this page, per se… Honestly though we’re coming up on where I’d like end volume two in pretty short order, so there’ll be some big stuff soon. 

Another small update though, page 186 is now in color! And 190 & 191 are nearly done!

And yeah, I’m not coloring them in order. :S Basically I’m going in order of pages I’m most happy with… if that makes sense. There’s some that I’ve been telling myself I’ll make tweaks to when I go back to color them, and I’m putting those ones off a little bit. It’s mostly changes like someone’s hand is too big, or I forgot to put the feather on Guy’s hat or something, little stuff, not structural things… though there’s a couple spots where I’ve decided a pose looks awkward and needs to be re-done, but fortunately that’s only a couple. I’m so out of my comfort zone drawing action, and while I’m miles ahead of where I was the first time I tried even looking at the beginning of this scene it’s hard not to go back and revamp! That’s such a serious temptation but… I just try to accept that there’s always lots of room to grow with art and if you just keep going back and fixing you never get anywhere…

That being said, I did go back and make a lot of tweaks before sending the first 82 pages to the print… Including completely re-vamping the first 7 pages, and this is a bit of a tangent: but I don’t regret that at all. That was a case where I really felt like it was worth it, I really hated them and I couldn’t stand that being folks first impression of MNM. XD

Anyway, I was all excited that this page would be up before midnight and then I got carried away writing. XD Still considering moving the regular update day to Tuesday, and I appreciate you guys being supportive of that. Also supportive in general. I say this all the time, but you guys are wonderful and make the late nights I’m up working on MNM totally worth it, it always warms my heart to read your comments, to meet you all at conventions, etc. 200 pages–it’s been so long now. I can’t thank you guys enough for being here with me. <3
