
Artist Notes 2/19/2020: Hey guys, happy Tuesday! Hope you all are doing well! 

So I’m just starting to research comic cons and events around here and holy crap they’re bigger than the ones we could make it to. XD (I’m sure there are plenty of small ones around, but still) Planet Comic Con caught my attention right away because it’s right in Kansas City next month, so literally the closest comic con to us and apparently it’s the biggest con in the midwest? XD I wish I could say we were tabling, but I’m sure the application deadline probably fell way before we even knew we were moving, but I am excited to attend just to experience the con myself! Anyone who’s seen me at Con’s might know that I tend to stay behind my table pretty much the entire time. I always want to get out and wander but I’m way to anxious on a lot of levels to get to do it much. XD I’ll definitely apply to table there next year though! And hopefully we’ll find lots of smaller conventions before that.

If there’s any chance any of you are in the KC area and going to Planet Comic Con please tweet at me or something during the event, I’d love to say hi.  …Especially because I reeeeally still don’t know many people in the area… O.O Working from home makes it hard… I feel like the people who work in the businesses near our apartment have kind of taken on the role of neighbors in that they remember us, they see me walking by with Scout all the time and come out and say hi occasionally (which is super sweet!) but otherwise because I’m working from home now so I’m not getting out a whole ton… So Planet Comic Con should be a real blast!
