
Artist Notes 6/24/2020: Hey guys, hope you all had a good week this past week!

This might seem silly but I’ve been trying to make more room in my life for gaming again. I tried to stay involved in that sort of thing over the years but the more I’ve committed to art the more I find I’ve ended up putting games aside. Which is sort of silly I think, it was such an important hobby to me when I was younger and it’s a huge part of why I pursued art. I can’t even begin to explain how much of an impact Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts had on me growing up, though I’m sure a lot of you are in the same boat, so you probably understand… In any event I *just* picked up Final Fantasy XIV, if any of you all play, let me know! And I’ve been playing Legends of Runeterra pretty regularly for at least a month now–also let me know if any of you play! But it feels really refreshing, I don’t feel like I’m ‘wasting time’ in the way that I expected I would, it’s at the same time relaxing and engaging, and I really need that…

Also, not to be a broken record, but one of the cops involved with Breonna Taylor’s murder was finally fired… Only one of them. That is such an insultingly underwhelming response… I still have hope that all of the officers involved will be charged, but it’s not going to happen if we don’t keep speaking out. This is still a great resource if you’re looking for ways to make an impact: