
Artist Notes 7/22/2020: Hey guys, happy actually Tuesday by some miracle. (I mean, technically Wednesday as it’s 1:30 am for me, but I feel like “the next day” doesn’t reeeally start until like… 5 am-ish) XD Literally though, if I hadn’t been late with the page the last few weeks I probably would have pushed this one back too! I was super sick last night, and I’m not even sure what happened really, and I’m totally fine now, but something just hit me out of nowhere! And I was so frustrated about it at the time, because last night for ONCE in my life the the stars just aligned for me and I was able to carve out drawing time before 9 PM on a weeknight… And right as I tried to start I felt horrible and had to drag my ass to bed. :(

Thank goodness I managed to also have my shit together again somehow tonight to start drawing (to finish the page, to be clear, I got a decent start on Sunday) in the early evening, because here we are!

I just want to say thank you always guys for baring with me. I always feel kind of frustrated and disappointed when I upload late–and I really don’t want to be disappointing any of you, but you’re all always super cool about it when life gets the best of me. I’m really grateful to you guys for sticking it out with me. I’ve said this before, but I know webcomic artists have such a rep for just disappearing from the internet and being totally unreliable, and I’m so scared of being perceived that way, so I deeply appreciate that none of you give me grief when I am a day late. You guys are truly the best. <3

Anyway, it’s  See you guys next week!