
Artist Notes 8/27/2020: Hey guys… happy… Wednesday. ^ ^’ Sorry this has been happening more lately. My day job has been burning me out pretty hard lately, and again, I’m very thankful to have that job–it’s just… 2020 is a rough one, we all know that by now. XD

And, once again, the news has been hitting me really hard lately, things feel bleak af. I’m not even going to dive into it, you all know how I feel at this point… So instead of ranting I wanted to share a couple things that are really helping me hold on to hope and keep my anger at bay right now:

  1. The music video for Starlight Brigade. I listened to this song on repeat while I did most of this page, I’ve watched the video so many times… it hits all the right beats to remind me of all the stories I’ve grown up with and found inspiring. I hope if any of you listen to it that it triggers that nostalgia for you too.

  2. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. Reading has always been the greatest source of comfort (that wasn’t a person!) to me in tough times… And Mistborn is one of my favorite books of all time. I started listening to the audio book again tonight while drawing tonight, and just… It’s a story about a band of plucky rebels trying to start a revolution against a brutal fascist dictator–what’s not to love? And so perfect for our current moment in time. It’s characters are complicated and flawed but they’re still brave and persistent in the face of hopelessness. It’s the kind of story I need right now, some of you might too.

As always, please stay safe & stay strong everyone. Black lives matter. Register to vote. Wear a mask in public. We have such a responsibility to protect each other right now, we can’t let each other down. <3