Artist Notes 01/13/2021: Hey guys, happy Tuesday. ^ ^’

What a fucking week this has been…

There’s nothing I can say about the insurrection that happened last week that hasn’t already been said by others better than I’d be able to… I hope that we see some justice done, but I’m not holding my breath. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

In any event, I hope you guys like this week’s page. Ankh has been a really fun addition to draw! I’m really hoping I can set aside some time to color a bunch of pages soon though–I might take a couple weeks off of new uploads some time soon so that I can plow through colors, but we’ll see. I’m really looking forward to getting some proper backgrounds on to pages like this one so I can see how they look. ^ ^’

Please stay safe. Hope this week is better on the whole than last week was. :S