
Artist Notes 4/17/2017: Hello everyone! Happy Monday! Hope those of you that celebrate Easter had a nice one, and that those of you that didn’t at least had a nice day. I got to play with my cousin’s dog a little yesterday, so that was pretty much the hi-light of my week. 😛 

It’s a lovely spring day here and I am finally starting to get ahead of myself with pages again (I’ve been clawing my way back ever since doing the burst up to page 50) and it’s a good feeling! I’m SO HAPPY about the next few! 

As far as any news goes: From now on Wednesday is going to be Patreon bonus content day, for the time being it will truly be a “behind the scenes” look because I have a lot of comic-related things that I’ve been working on and I’m extremely excited about but I’m not ready to show to a general audience since they’re just… not done. 😛

But for the most part this is another light news week, I’m getting really down to the wire with graduating from grad school so that’s where a lot of my focus is, but I can’t wait to get you guys the next few pages, I’ve put a lot of work into them and there’s going to be a little more world building/character building very soon, so yay! 🙂 See you patrons on Wednesday, and the rest of you next Monday at the latest! 😀
