
Artist Notes 7/3/2017: Happy Monday guys!

…And preemptive happy 4th to American readers.  Hope those of you who do celebrate it have some fun plans! I admit, I’m kind of skipping it this year unfortunately. ^ ^’ The fireworks in my city are tonight, and have a lot of work to do.  I also worked today, and work early in them AM tomorrow, so it just wasn’t really in the cards for me this year, but usually, as a food holiday it’s one of my favs, so eat extra BBQ for me! XD

In any event, I wanted to talk a little about the process of putting together the book, because it’s a much bigger endeavor than I’d initially expected, and it’s been going great, it’s just been a lot of work and a lot of learning. I’m thinking about making a long form post somewhere (maybe a publicly available patron post) detailing some of the things I’ve learned about adapting a webcomic for print, if that’s something you guys would be interested in.  It’s something I had a really hard time finding info about, too! Many creators have reviewed different printing platforms, but the reality is the nuts and bolts are… complicated. I thought I knew a good amount about printing but boy was I wrong, and it took me 10 whole hours to convert all the pages of the MNM from RBG to CMYK, and I had to do some really persnickety things as a part of that process because of printer specs. (No CMYK values greater than 240%!? Ugh!)

Anyway, I’m defiantly going to do something, because there were a lot of gaps of information that I either had to call the printer’s to sort out or do surprisingly extensive research to solve. O.o So send me any questions you guys have about self publishing, preparing print ready files, or even crowdfunding, and I’ll try to address it all when I have some time to sit down and write.

And as always everyone, thanks for being so awesome! Many of you were very prompt about emailing me name requests, and I appreciate that a ton! (While I didn’t reply to any of those emails because swamped, I did get them! ^ ^) Have a great week!
