
Artist Notes 7/17/2017: Hey guys!  What do you think of the new home page? We’re in the process of revising it, still got a few more changes in mind, but I feel like it already seems quiet freshened up! ^ ^

Also, I said last week, the PDF copy of Mag Na Mell Volume 1 is up on Gumroad now, and this week there’s a smaller version of it to download, too!  Again, those who backed the Kickstarter should already have their coupon codes to download it for free.  (If not, email me!

And in light of that PDF being out, I updated the first 10 pages of MNM here on the site!  So you can see them all completely revised now!  Let me know what you guys think!

Finally, unfortunately I don’t have the proof of the physical book yet, we ran into a little bit of confusion with our printer’s so it got delayed. >.>; But we’re expecting it this week, and I promise I’ll post pictures as soon as I have it! 
