
Artist Notes 10/2/2017: Hey guys! Happy Monday! How were your respective weeks? ^ ^

One more nightmare page left after this! And Inktober has begun! Technically it started yesterday, but I’m starting a day late because really, who’s idea was starting October on a Sunday? XD (Also my plan for October first was to use a rejected drawing from today’s page, but it would have spoiled it, so I’ll post double today! ^ ^) Also let me know if any of you are doing Inktober this year, I’ll keep my eye out! 

Anyway, I’m really excited that it’s October now! I tried not to be classically over excited about that fact that it’s fall, but we went apple picking the other day and I made a pie, and mulled cider and now I’m all in. XD Have you guys done any fun fall things yet?

Happy Fall you guys, have a good week!
