
Artist Notes 10/24/2017: Hey guys! Sorry the page is going up a little on the late side again! >.>; I had THE most exhausting week. BUT I had fun drawing this page, albeit quickly. XD

I tried out a different inking pen than usual and I think I’m gonna stick to it… What do you guys think? Anyone have any thoughts?

Also, unfortunately this past week I totally flopped on inktober because I worked a tooon of overtime.  I was exhausted basically every night. But I’m almost done with a drawing that I’ll post soon. :3 Also this week for Inktober I’m planning on doing some fanart involving the new Netflix series Big Mouth because I love it. XD Anyways, for the next two weeks I have a much lighter schedule so I’ll be more on top of inktober and such. 

Have a great week guys! 
