
Artist Notes 2/5/2018: Happy Monday guys! How is everyone doing?

I’m just starting to notice the days getting a little longer. 

Did anyone watch the Super Bowl last night? ^ ^’ I’m not normally a big football person, but I have a lot of family in the Philadelphia area so it was cool to see everyone so excited. Sorry to any Pats fans though, I live in Pats territory so I know in my vicinity I’m in the minority in my feelings about how the game went. XD In any event though, idk how much overlap there is between comic fans and football fans (certainly not me), so enough about that!

I’m thinking I might upload some stuff in the near future about page production process. Since I’ve been at this for a while now I’ve realized I’ve developed some habits that have really helped me speed up production that some of you might find helpful if you want to or already make comics of your own. I watched a really interesting video about time management pitfalls while making comics this week and it really got me thinking about it. So yeah, look out for a little of that this week. 

Hope you guys all have a great week!
