
Artist Notes 11/06/2018: Hey guys! Happy Monday! 😀

Hope you all are doing well! Did all you guys who celebrate Halloween have a good time? 😀 Tell me what you dressed up as and stuff! 😀 Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I’d love to hear. XD I was really excited this year because I had trick or treaters showing up at MY apartment for the first time (rather than having to go back to a parent’s house to see the festivities)! I thought I’d be home from work too late to hand out candy, but no! 😀 And Scout LOVED meeting the kids that came to our door, and vise versa as well. I was trying to keep him back and at least on leash, god forbid a child is allergic or afraid but fortunately he was met unanimously with “A puppy!? Can I pet him!?” which made my heart so happy. He’s growing into such a friendly boy! I wish I had cute costumed pictures of him to show you, but I didn’t want to put him through the torment of wearing a costume while he’s still so new to this world. XD Next year!
