
Artist Notes 1/08/2019: Hey guys! Happy Monday!

If anyone read the extremely rambling page description I wrote last week (I don’t blame you if you skipped it! XD) I’d hinted that I’d have some pretty big news that I couldn’t talk about yet. BUT NOW I CAN! 😀

So here it is: I (essentially) quit my job to work on MNM and other illustration full time.*

Not fully yet, I’m going to be stepping out of my position gradually until I’m working there no more than 8 hours per week which I’ll try to sustain longterm, so the amount of art I’m doing isn’t going to skyrocket immediately, but it should go up steadily.

Basically, I decided, I’m not getting any younger and I’m really sick of not giving illustration and comics my all, and I’m sick of making excuses to myself for not doing it. I have the opportunity right now, and frankly I’m fucking terrified, but I’d be an idiot and a coward not to try.

As far as what you guys can expect: I’m going to be opening commissions up as soon as I can, updating our Etsy shop with more products and prints, overhauling my Patreon (again O.O) and starting to make waaay more posts there, and everywhere, as well as pursuing more freelance work, and other projects. AND I’m going to be drawing in more diverse styles.

I’ll still be uploading MNM once a week for the time being. I’d like to do more eventually but step one is going to be Monday updates happening at 5PM-ish again, instead of 2AM on technically Tuesday. XD Also I’m nervous about drawing the ensuing fight scene, so I want to take it slow. XD

So, obviously I’ll keep you guys informed about this utterly terrifying journey… and hopefully it works out. ^ ^’ There’s so much more I want to be able to share with you guys, and even if I can only sustain this for a few months I’m really excited to try. 🙂 It’s now or never.

Thank you all of you for being so wonderful and supportive these last couple years. <3 I promise I’ll make 2019 the best one yet.
