
Artist Notes 1/15/2019: Hello everyone! 😀 Happy Monday! I hope you all are well! …I am, as always, exhausted. ^ ^’ Hopefully next month when I’m doing art full time that FINALLY changes. XD

As far as this scene we’re moving into, I’m so excited! I was feeling VERY daunted by the idea of a big fight scene, I had no idea where to even start with choreographing, and pacing, but I put a lot of time into research this week, so hopefully it pays off. 🙂 I watched a ton of videos and read a ton of articles/blog posts about fight scenes, but really the most helpful thing I think was watching a ton of anime fight scenes and taking screen shots frame by frame so I could study them. This coming week I’d like to actually reach back into the source material those anime’s are looking at (i.e. Bruce Lee movies, and European Martial Arts etc). 🙂 Weirdly enough though, I feel like even though I don’t watch a tooon of anime anymore, and it’s been years since I’d describe my style as anime I still find it just so darn compelling an inspiring. 🙂
