
Artist Notes 3/19/2019: Hey guys! Happy Monday! Hope you all are doing well! 😀 😀 😀

So I have some news to share with you guys that I’m only 95% sure of so I’m not going to share the news in it’s entirety, god forbid some aspect of it falls apart at the last minute. XD 1. We’re pretty much confirmed at being in the artist alley of a comic con this May, that won’t be in VT or NH, so yay travel. 🙂 and 2. I designed an enamel pin! 😀 We’re SO CLOSE to having it in production! I’m just waiting to approve the proof of my design and then it’ll go into production! 😀

But holy crap is designing enamel pins a process… It was much harder and more complicated than I expected, but I’m already excited to make more. I will definitely make a long post about what I learned and what the process was like as soon as I’m all the way through it, because I can’t emphasize enough: it was not as straightforward as I was expecting, but with guidance it’s been a great experience. 🙂

And in goofy, unrelated to the comic news: I’m super excited today we got a kit to build 4′ x 8′ raised garden beds and I’m gonna grow some vegetables! 😀 I’m so excited about it… When I was in college my summer job was always as a landscaper/gardener (I use the term gardener loosely in reference to myself, I did weeding/pruning/planting etc but always under careful guidance from an actual badass master gardener) and I loved that work so so so much, but I’ve never had a living situation where I could make a garden of my own, but I finally get to! 😀 😀 😀 I’m totally gonna post pictures under the page with updates as the season moves along, so I hope you guys like plants at least a little. XD
