
Artist Notes 3/26/2019: Hey guys, happy Monday! Hope everyone is doing well! 😀

I briefly mentioned last week that I started the process of creating an enamel pin! 😀 And now I can officially say it’s in production! 😀 😀 😀 I’m really excited about it, and I super can’t wait to show you all! It’ll probably be a couple weeks before I have them in hand, but as always, I’ll keep you guys posted. The other news I’d mentioned was that we’re planning to attend a comic con that we’ve never been to soon, and I was really hoping we’d have everything 100% set in stone this week, but I’m just waiting on an email from the con organizers, but I’ll make a post as soon as I hear! 🙂

Also, I’m super pumped for next week’s page (and the next bunch after that)! 😀 We finally really get to see Ateh-Poe in action, and as much as she’s difficult to draw–she’s a lot of fun! 😀
