
Artist Notes 6/25/2019: Hey guys, happy Monday!

The page is black and white this week… D: No, Scout didn’t break my tablet again (thank goodness XD) This one is on me. 🙁 This week I’m working on a piece for the local paper (that’s due imminently, though it won’t be published until ~July 4ish) and it’s just taking up a ton of my bandwidth… I just don’t have it in me to juggle everything this week. The good new is next week I’ll be updating a new page and putting up a color version of this one! (If I finish the color of this one sooner, I will add it, but at this point I’ll probably try to color this and 182 at the same time for efficiency’s sake. ^ ^’) And the other bit of good news is in a couple weeks I’ll be able to link you to my short comic for the paper! I’m not sure that I can talk about it, but I’m working with a writer for the paper, and this is the third year in a row I’ve done a historical subject (the paper’s comic-heavy issues are annual) and I’m excited to show it to you guys. It’s fun to draw something different every now and then. ^ ^’ And I just want to add btw, I appreciate that you guys have always been understand on the instances that do come up. <3 You all are the best.
