
Artist Notes 5/13/2020: Hey guys, happy Tuesday! I hope you’re all doing well~!

It’s been another relatively uneventful week in quarantine. I’m sorry I haven’t had much to update you guys on lately! We’ve been slowly but surely working on the new website, and I really love how it’s turning out but there’s still a lot of work ahead of us… Otherwise, I don’t know, I made a really good beef stew this week? Idk.

I’m still trying to keep up with my new warm-up routine when drawing but it’s hard to be consistent, sometimes when I’m feeling stressed out I feel like I NEED to just jump right in and start plugging away at things that have to get done, but I genuinely think my progress on the important stuff is slower when I don’t warm up first. It’s hard to set aside the 20 or so mins in the beginning even if it might save you an hour overall (for example) from working better/smarter. It’s hard to convince your brain to do the right thing up front–at least for me it is! I’m trying to see it as a matter of showing respect to my art, if it’s something I spend so much of my life working on I feel like warming up, figure drawing, doing studies, is a way of respecting my craft…? Idk, that sounds really pretentious but I’m not sure how else to explain it. What do you guys think? Do you have any similar feelings toward the skills in your life? I’d love to hear about it if so. :)

Anyway, I think I’ve probably rambled enough! I hope you guys have an awesome week! :D