
Artist Notes 5/20/2020: Hey guys, happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is doing well! 

This was a very challenging but enjoyable page to work on! Every panel went through a TON of iterations only to be drastically reshuffled at the end because I forgot where Guy and Betha were standing relative to each other. XD I think I’m still happy with the end result though… In no small part because the bottom panel of this page is paying homage to one of my favorite movies of all time in the framing and posing on this page: Princess Mononoke. As I was trying to envision how this scene would play out, honestly San’s very animalistic, and instinctive-looking fight style was the first thing that came to mind and I was really excited to realize I had the opportunity to build those references in! It was fun having the excuse to go through the fight scenes frame by frame to observe San and realize, just how much attention to detail every frame had, everyone in the backgrounds is unique and expressive, not a single detail was overlooked! Furthermore no matter what moment you pause the movie at you never land on a derpy looking tween frame where a characters face looks weird or distorted, each frame could literally be a standalone illustration, it’s really mind blowing!

I highly encourage you guys to go back and re-watch it if you haven’t in a while (or to watch it for the first time if you’ve somehow avoided seeing it) it’s utterly flawless.