
Artist Notes 5/28/2020: Hey guys, sorry the page is a day late this week! D: Memorial day threw my schedule off. :S In any event, I hope you all are doing well!

I have to say, Guy is slowly becoming my favorite character to draw! …Besides Betha anyway. But that’s not a fair comparison, I designed her to be my ideal character to enjoy drawing, everything about her plays to my enjoyment and my strengths as an artist. XD Which was totally intentional! I knew I’d be drawing her a lot, and that MNM would be full of character that would be challenging for me so I wanted drawing her to always be a good experience. XD (Admittedly though, I struggled a lot with her expression at the bottom of this page… that’s a panel I’ll serious consider altering when I go back to color this page.)

In any event though, I’ve been having a great time drawing Guy’s poses and expressions! I always want to imbue him with an air of casual confidence, very rarely does he not feel in control of a situation and I work really hard to have that come though in every detail of how he holds himself. I hope that that lends some gravity to the moments when his feelings of control slip away from him.

I’m just really enjoying how different everyone in the main cast is lately–getting to explore their dynamics is one of the things that really keeps the comic feeling fresh and engaging to me!

Anyway, I hope you guys have a good week! :D