
Artist Notes 2/13/2017: The kid is trapped! D:

:S How does my ice look? XD It hit me while I was working on this that I’ve never drawn ice before.

Also, the Facebook giveaway thing for a print of Betha ended last week and the winners were sent their prints! But, I just finished a new image of Sonny that matches (it’s up in the sidebar) and this month, new people to like the Facebook page have a chance of winning that print! 😀 So hop on over there and do that if you want me to mail you stuff. 😛

Also also, happy early Valentine’s Day! 😀 It’s a holiday I really wouldn’t care about except that I work at a chocolate factory so it ends up being a bunch of fun. XD Do any of you all have exciting plans? :3 Hoping to bang out some quick Valentine’s day themed are tomorrow as well, so that’ll be on our associated social media. 🙂
