
Artist Notes 2/20/2017: Hope you guys like this one! I think it’s my favorite so far, just because it was a wide color pallet and complicated-ish, (I think there were more different characters on this page than any other).

In other news: Don’t forget that we’re doing a print giveaway on the Facebook page for the new print of Sonny. 🙂 So if you go like the page you might win it. ^ ^

Also, I completely revamped the gallery section of the site this week! 🙂 Updated turnaround for Betha (which has actually been done for months, I just never put it up), got one of Sonny, both of their expression sheets, some things from inktober and more, so be sure to check that out!

And last thing, I’ve been trying to record a lot more of my process as I’m working, haven’t gotten around to anything yet, but if anyone wants to see anything process related in specific let me know! I could even do a tutorial or something, idk, I’ll just keep making random stuff until someone asks for anything specific. ^ ^
