
Artist Notes 7/9/2019: Hey guys! Happy Monday! 😀

SO lots to talk about today! As I mentioned last week, I started a new job recently and that’s exciting but it’s eating up more of my time than I’d like… Also, if you guys follow us on Facebook and saw my post this week, you’ll know we’re working on A LOT of projects related to Mag Na Mell, but I’ll speak to that more in the next couple weeks. For the time being, I think I’m going to go with the schedule I proposed last week, and still update pages weekly, but just work backward and color them in chunks. I feel that’s the best I can do without slowing down the comic’s story. (Because, tbh, the script for the comic is written out for literal YEARS past where I am drawing-wise, and I want to get it out to you guys!) And I just put up last week’s page in color! The one before that will come soon, too, I just decided to make another change on it. >.>;

So if it works for all of you, this is my official plan: I’ll still post a page every week, but they’re going to be black and white, line art only. Then, every few weeks or so, I’m going to color the pages in bulk and post to alert you guys when I post those.

And again, I think this arrangement will work out better for the overall quality of pages anyway. It’s hard to do the start to finish process of every page one at a time, and in the traditional comic industry you’d be doing ALL the pencils, then ALL the inks and ALL the colors one at the time. I feel like that allows more time and care to go into each phase, since the considerations that come along with each one are so different. I’m actually really looking forward to being able to dive a little more dedicatedly into each segment at a time.

Also as a trade off, I can try to start giving more sneaky peeks at our side projects, as I’ll be getting more of the art for them done. ^ ^’
